You are here: 52. Advanced Distribution Training Manual > Managing Customer Loyalties (v2.8)

Managing Customer Loyalties (v2.8)

The loyalty system built into Micronet can be used to create customer loyalty programs. To enable the tracking and accumulation of customer loyalty credits in Micronet (MDS, POS, MRF and MJC), you need to activate the loyalty system. Once activated, loyalty credits can be accrued on sales to customers on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis and can be applied to specific customers and/or specific items.

The standard loyalty system accrues loyalty credits (percentage of sales value) from applicable items and retains them to be processed in one of three ways:

Customer loyalties can be setup at any point in time but will only accrue from that date/time on. Any sales made in the current month/quarter/yearly period, prior to the loyalty system being activated, will not have been accrued.